#12 Commenting on Blogs

One thing I have been known to do... is lurk. It's hard when you're pressed to stop and make comments. These tips on making comments got me to stop and think about how important comments are to blogs. I should know, I love when I see a comment here on my blog. Lately I have been trying to comment more on the "just for fun" blogs and forums that I visit. I try my best to be a fashionable librarian and I love to read blogs about fashion and makeup. After reading these articles I have decided it is important for me to try to comment whenever possible. The authors of these sites deserve it. And, that's the whole point of reading their posts...right? To be a part of that community.

I liked what one blogger wrote (though I can't remember who...think brain...think) that blogger friends understand what it is to maintain a blog. You can relate to them in different ways than your nonblogger friends. I have developed some friendships based on blogs and forums that I might not of ever made. This is all possible through commenting. SO I should take my own advice and get busy posting already!
