Okay, well I kinda get wikis and I kinda don't. I keep looking around for a really good example to inspire me to use this in my library. Just about everyone has used Wikipedia. An online reference tool that allows users to contribute their expertise to the topics of their choice. It is a really neat collaborative tool. Wikis are that way. A meeting point that allows users to contribute to defined subjects. In the classroom/library, we can set up topics and allow users to contribute. I guess I am uncreative, because I have a hard time picturing what I would have students contribute about.
Then I found this wiki about booktalking. I went ahead and logged in (the password is booktalk) and I posted a review of a realistic fiction book. I think I am starting to get this now. I like the idea of collaborating with other people who share a common interest with me.
I also really liked Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki.
Something new I learned is that Wiki means quick in Hawaiian.