Reading is Fun Week

This week was Reading is Fun Week (RIF) at the library. You can learn more about RIF at We received 900 books to give away to students. Our theme this year was Wild About Reading so I decorated our library really nicely to coordinate with this theme. I hung party decorations with wild animals from the ceiling. I drew a large toucan to hang on the back door of the library. We hung beautiful animal posters on the front doors along with a banner which said: "Wild About Reading Zone...Enter if you dare." In addition, I cut out paw prints on brown construction paper and laminated them. We put them on the floor in a path leading up to the front doors of the library. We set up three tables covered with a jungle patterned table cloth and laid out books for students to choose from. I also played some really great African music with wonderful beats and wild animal sounds as the students entered the library.
We set up 3 centers at the library. One group chose a book and watched an animal movie for 10 min., the second group went online to Encyclopedia Britannica's Learning Zone to learn about animals around the world, and the third groups had a coloring sheet appropriate for each grade level (connect the dots animal, animal riddles, animal fact sheets, etc.) Soon I hope to post a slide show with 280 slides of our celebration.
