Lower Rio Grande Valley Collection- UTPA Library

At UTPA one of the special collections is the Lower Rio Grande Valley Collection. This collection is held on the first floor to the left of the circulation area. Materials included in the collection pertain to all areas from Laredo to Rio Grande City. The nothern most Mexican states of Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila are also represented in the collection. There is a serials collection of newspapers and magazine produced in these regions. A complete listing of these serials is located online. Titles are available in both English and Spanish.

In addition there is a Chicano collection that focuses on the Chicano movement. Also there is a map collection of South Texas and Northern Mexico. One feature I find neat are the oral histories recorded by locals. What a neat way to preserve your heritage! Vertical reference files are available with local materials. Genealogy resources on local family history is present as well. The room is decorated with artifacts and artwork from this region.

I think this room would be very useful to an author writing a book about the area or a person with a special interest in the area's history. I think it is a very useful feature of the library.


Mary Ann said…
To think I have been on this campus countless times and have never visited this collection! NOW I will go!