Ivy + Bean and the Ghost that had to go

I enjoyed listening to this audio book with my daughter Haille. After reading Ivy + Bean on her own, we decided to listen to book two in the car together. You can check it out on audio at the Pharr Library.

Ivy is an imaginative student who is always getting in trouble in class for talking too much or being off task. But she doesn't mean to cause trouble...HONEST. Bean is her bestfriend...who usually just goes along with what Ivy suggests. When Ivy decides that a Ghost has started to haunt the girls bathroom, pretty soon the whole school knows about it. No one want to go to the bathroom anymore, even the teachers start to suspect something. Ivy + Bean decide to create a potion to banish the ghost forever... the problem is that the bathroom is being watched by the teachers...not to mention the fact that the ghost might get them first. Will they survive?
